Things that You Must Stop Doing Right Away to Your Website

Web designing is not everyone’s cup of tea. It takes special expertise and experience to master the skill of designing. Businesses today, struggle in generating high revenue because their websites are not appealing enough. A website is the most valuable asset, which a business owner holds, thus it is important that your website is most attractive to visitors.

If you are looking for someone to optimize your website, you must consider Australian Internet Advertising. They are a website design Sydneybased company which delivers services all over Australia. Their team of experts has a deep knowledge of marketing psychology. They analyse your business and generate the website that is most fruitful for your business.

They pay attention to multiple factors in web designing. Here is a list of few mistakes, which people often make while, web designing:

1- non-responsive website design – A website that does not respond to the change in screens and devices or when zoomed in or out is called a non-responsive design. A responsive design improves the user experience and makes it more accessible to users. This not only expands the reach of the website but also puts you at a higher rank in SERP.

Google values the user experience a lot. If your website isn’t delivering a good UX, you are likely to be placed low at SERP. Further, Google penalizes those websites too which are non-responsive to screen change.

2- No Favicon– while using multiple tabs on a browser, favicons come very handy to the users. They present a visual cue to the visitors.

3- 404 Pages– maximum users take a U-turn when the website shows a 404. This way, 404’s kills a huge traffic from the website.

4- Carousals on the home page– Carousal, by virtue, is not a bad idea. They become toxic for the page’s traffic when they gain life and scroll automatically. In that case, they start to look similar to the pop-up Ads. They divert the attention of users and poke them with the ‘conversion’ pitch.

5- A slow website- An average user jumps to another website in 2-3 seconds if the website is not fast enough. This makes a slow website a huge conversion killer. As per Google’s data, more than 70% of the websites on the internet are slow. Thus, if you optimize the speed of your website, you are already ahead of 70% of the crowd.

Page speed is also a ranking factor in Google, and this makes it even more crucial to have a good loading speed in the webpage. The metrics which Google uses to assess the speed of the website are the time to load the first byte, the visual completeness of the website, the document completeness, the number of file requests, etc.

6- Slow server response time- even if the speed of your website is optimized, if your server time is slow then your website will be doomed to be slow. Slow server speed is indicative of a problem in performance. Google requires the websites to have a server speed of less than 200ms. The possible causes of a slow server time maybe:

  • Slower logic of application.
  • Slower database queries.
  • Starvation of resource CPU.
  • Starvation of memory.
  • The libraries and Framework.

7- Rejection of design norm- while designing a website, there is a lot of flexibility, but you must be careful. It is expected that your website follows a particular design convention. For instance, if the users fail to figure out the position of the search bar or the navigation bar, they will get irritated and bounce to some other website.

Thus, keep a standard for your design.

8- Unreadable font– Your content will look like gibberish if your font is not comprehendible to users. An easy-to-read font delivers the message precisely and increases the chances of generating a conversion for the website.

9- Poor kerning, leading, and tracking- kerning is the space between two characters, symbols, or letters. Tracking is the space between two words and phrases. And leading refers to the space between two lines. The closer your lines, words, or alphabets are, the more difficult it is for users to read the text. Your ad must be clear and persuasive.


While designing a website, multiple mistakes are made. This article touched upon a few of those mistakes. These mistakes are killers of your traffic. You must ensure that you do not make these mistakes or at least don’t repeat them.